Our fascination with India seems to have no end. Now it appears to border on obsessive compulsiveness. Attention to all psych. wards: Keep your doors open.
The endless lines at Lahore Airport dying to catch a glimpse of Sania and Shoaib clearly indicate that our awaam is deluded. Especially the guy who spent Rs. 6000 on a rental van and drove all the way to the airport only to discover after waiting for 5 hours that the couple left the airport from the back exit. Get a grip guys! By the way, ask this same guy to buy some medicines that could be life-saving in an emergency situation, and he'll probably pick up a brick and throw it at the doctor and round up his buddies, who will spend the next 3 hours breaking down every door, window, and facility of the hospital with the justification that no one bothers to help the poor in need and that doctors are careless, ruthless, and murderers.
Then there's the 5'4'' guy (and so many others like him) who was practically whining and about to cry as he told the media cameramen that life is only about 2 days of happiness (2 pal ki khushi)----and for them, the key to their utopia belonged in Sania's hands---had she consented to exit the airport with Shoaib from the main door of the airport in front of all the Lahoris to see (read: gawk), it would have appeased them and carried them through the gates of nirvana!
Their ecstasy would have been further heightened had she posed with every maja, gamma on the plane for a Kodak moment, and let every person in the PC lobby approach her and touch her. But, unfortunately, Sania robbed every Lahoris' God given birth-right to stare, ogle, and rip a person limb from limb with their eyes......she snatched the very thing that would have satisfied their hunger and lust for all things Indian....in short, she trampled on their euphoria and stabbed their happiness to death.
The point is: ARE YOU PEOPLE OUT OF YOUR ******* MINDS!!!! Do any one of these idiots realize that their collective effort invested in hounding Sania and Shoaib, if put to good use would have reaped astounding benefits that could very possibly change the track this country is on. Why not stand for hours in front of the sugar mills owned by the dracula politicians and demand the cost of sugar be reduced to an affordable price. How about driving to the airport and asking Zardari why he constantly spends so much time abroad when he should be working day and night to provide the awaam with roti, kapra, makaan. How about staging a sit-in protest in front of WAPDA and demand that every corrupt employee, top to bottom, should be ousted with immediate effect and the energy crisis be solved promptly. How about getting together to do something beneficial for your country instead of wasting precious time on some Indian chick who could care less whether the people of Pakistan were hospitable or not. Rest assured, she sure as hell doesn't think we're hospitable----more like crazy and total crack-pots.
And one more thing......Shoaib, we understand your dough might be running low by now, considering your hanky panky with it during the cricket tours has finally caught up with you (by the way, we also know the shopping spree you took Sania on and the millions you continue to spend isn't really helping your monetary situation either)....plus your career isn't flying high like it used to (although some say it never really took off)---so as a last ditch effort to catch the fading rays of the lime-light and maintain some semblance of celebrity-hood, you're partaking in the idiocy known as media hype, sensationalism, and cheap popularity.....dude, I just have one thing to say to you: Get over yourself!
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