**2 year old girl thrown into a vat of boiling water dies.
Crime: Her father scolded a 10 yr. old boy for hitting him with a cricket ball when he was playing with his friends. The boy ran to his house and told his father, who threatened the girl's father saying he would get back at him for reprimanding his son. The boy's father was arrested and now is out on bail.
**3 year old girl molested and thrown in a gutter.
Crime: Two on-duty cops patrolling a neighborhood, saw some children playing outside and spotted this girl and kidnapped her. Took turns molesting her and when she died, threw her body in a gutter. Parents and neighbors searched for the girl but never found her. The cops returned the next day to patrol the same neighborhood, and the other children, who the girl had been playing with, recognized them and told their parents. Cops were arrested, and led authorities to the gutter where they had dumped the girl's body. The court's ruling: death sentence. The cops are alive, and appealing the verdict.
Is this what this country has come to? The fear of life is ever-present.....lurking and thriving, perhaps, just next door?? How do you begin to rationalize any of this? How do you allow 2 savages to roam freely, while the parents mourn the horrendous and barbaric death of their daughter? A wound deeply gashed into thier lives from which they will never recover. Is this the justice system from which Iftikhar Chaudhry said, that if re-instated, he would bring justice to all and ensure the system fails no one?? The man who rallied thousands behind him to march for him on the streets of this country just so that he could get back on that pedestal of the Supreme Court, now seems the least bothered and could care less. Is it because his interests are now taken care of? So what if the poor and the weak are bulldozed by the mighty and the powerful?
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