Someone please enlighten me. And if you share the same sentiment, then join the club!
But, first, a disclaimer: I'm not on the outside looking in....I'm very much IN and among them--which is why my observation is so pristine and right on the mark. But despite being amongst them, I'm still failing to understand why their mentality is messed up.
Now for the specifics. The "mentality" I'm referring to is this weird vitriol that detonates from them every time you build a certain expectation. And the most common expectation (and for those of you who are wondering the same question as me are then all too familiar with what I'm about to say) is when it comes to the scenario of ''helping''. You know what I'm talking about.....you're not exactly looking for help nor asking for it, but nevertheless they insist they can help you with whatever it is you're going through. And despite the fact that you decline and say "no, it's ok"....they keep insisting. So, in the end, you accept---thinking perhaps it would be a good thing if you got a helping hand. But that's exactly when you've fallen into the trap. When the time comes, the curtains raise, and the drumroll ceases.........there's......nothing. Nada. Zilch. They've either vanished and will say they never remembered that they had offered to help. Or, (and this is the most common reaction) turn things around and throw it back at you saying you're expecting too much out of them. And that is the '' weird vitriol'' I'm talking about. Then, not only are you left without help but now you also stand wondering what the hell just happened. Just moments ago they seemed so amicable and willing, and now you're being accused of asking too much out of them!!??
My bottomline is: why can't we help one another?? what's up with that? what do we lose by helping the other person out? and if we can't help one another, then why do you offer to begin with? why not just say, up front, "hey! ...I don't think I can." ?? no one is gonna take a plunge at you for that! honesty really is the best policy. SO FOR GOD'S SAKE JUST SAY IT! and stop mincing your words!
I only expected something out of you, CUZ YOU INSISTED ON IT. So please just someone explain to me what the hell these desis are up to?
Meanwhile, I think I've learned my lesson one too many times: I'm not trusting desis anymore.
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