As March 23 dawns on Pakistan, the spirit of the Pakistan Resolution awakens once again in all of us. But this March 23, 2009 will be different. It won't be celebrated, as announced by the government. The Armed Forces parade will not be held, and the parade grounds of Islamabad will lie desolate and silent. The thundering beat of the drums and the unison hammering of the military boots onto the cement road as thousands of military men and women march past with contagious patriotic pride will not be seen. How unfortunate and absolutely wrong. And why? This day that resurrects within us our own sense of patriotism is being stifled for no reason at all. Word has it that the recent upheavals in the country have created an environment that is not conducive to celebrate such a day. Well, how come? The lawyers have been restored. Iftikhar Chaudhary got what he wanted--he's back as the CJ. Their so called movement achieved what it set out to do....so shouldn't this be even more reason to celebrate March 23?
I mean if you want to stop a celebration---then Basant should've been the event....not a day that injects within us all a profound patriotism of being Pakistani. In fact, at a time when the country is going through immense geopolitical and economic ups and downs, celebrating March 23 would have rejuvenated us all and strengthened our resilience as a nation. The day is a constant reminder of just how much we have to be thankful for. And yet, it's being taken away from us. And is this going to be a new tradition? Does this mean that from now on March 23 will no longer be celebrated? Is March 16 going to be celebrated now?
Day by day people are coming one step closer to feeling completely hopeless and giving up in face of these harsh times, and what they need are days like March 23 to remind them not to give up and to keep pushing forward. Having a strong sense of national pride is the essence of being a Pakistani. Believing in yourself and what this country stands for is of utmost importance. And March 23 not only helps to foster but also sustains these ideals. And these are not just ideals that are to be read in philosophy books, spoken as cliches, or written as diplomatic phrases......this is who we are! We are a nation of strong-willed individuals with limitless potential and profound resolve. So what if we've had some tough times.....who hasn't? Fact is we're Pakistani and that means, no matter what, we can and do achieve whatever we set out to do. And it was this very spirit and determination that brought together Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the members of the All-India Muslim League at Minto Park in Lahore 69 years ago to move a resolution that was to bring Pakistan into existence. So, we owe everything to March 23, and to be told that we are not celebrating it this year is extremely disturbing.
Much uproar and raucous voices were raised in the past years when Basant was banned. And rightly so. An event that is mostly marred with grief and mourning, instead of joy and jubilation, should be banned indefinitely. But, alas....Lahoris pushed and shoved and yelled and screamed and shouted and nearly had a heart-attack to get this event back. So, last Sunday Lahoris idiotically flew hundreds of colored papers attached to string---an event that has no substance or significance, and which, once again, led to the death of several young children whose throats were slit open from the kite-string or who fell from roof-tops while chasing after kites. And yet not a single voice has been raised to get March 23 back. Why are we becoming so deplorable and careless as a nation? Why are we losing sight of our priorities and realities?
We need March 23 back....at all costs!
u need to get this published and posted all across Pakistan.