The massacre on Monday and yesterday's twin bombings compel me one more time to wonder when this atrocious insanity will end.
While our lives are at risk and our children die everyday, the VIPs continue to pump up their security and enshrine themselves in their bullet-proof kingdoms.
As the Khadim-e-Punjab walks the halls of General Hospital show-casing his fake sympathies, I wonder why no one stops and asks him ''What use are you? What have you done to stop this? Stop telling us that you condemn these attacks. DO SOMETHING!"
While these weasels, who claim to be paragons of democratic leadership, spend millions on lavish dinner parties and fornication of every kind imaginable, not a single penny is spent on providing a reasonable standard of health care, education, and utilities for the awaam. Job opportunities are becoming scarce...and even if something does appear on the employment horizon, it's immediately grabbed by someone who isn't qualified, has connections with the higher-ups, and is willing to rub his nose in the dirt for as long as his master commands. 'You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours' is the mantra.
The law that is being implemented in the name of "democracy" is based on the ideals of stealing, raping, and maiming this country. If the poor man becomes poorer and dies---who cares!...at least Fehmida Mirza was able to put new tires, worth Rs. 1,000,000, on her car .
"Good governance" (a term that even Firdous Ashiq Awan has learned to say in English) is spiked with corruption and deceit.
The country may not have collapsed yet, but it is most definitely crippled.
As the streets of Lahore bleed, the betrayal deepens. Our leaders have openly expressed their willingness to betray us, their own people, for the green colored paper that finds its way to their pockets. The sight and touch of it is ever more appeasing for the men in Islamabad, clad in their Armani suits and faggoty ties. Such is the power of lucre.
These bombings can stop and will stop. They will stop the day we unite. The day we stop fighting one another and realize that the real enemies are the thieves disguised as our leaders with their tentacles tightening their grip on our necks. The day we demand these wolves cough up and return the money they've looted from the country's treasury. The day our puppet leaders are ousted and accountability reigns as the only law. The day we rise together and say "No more!"
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